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ARTIST STATEMENT, Laura Kärki, 2024
I work multidisciplinary, persistently and often also in parallel with different media. In my artistic work I drill down to life's complexities with pictures, words, and sound. In my artistic sculpting, painting and photography work I have focused during the last years to create tufted works, textile prints, mixed media works, 3D printed clay, and expressive oil pastel paintings.
Poems and soundscapes bring more layers to my works.
My picture language is built through a strong inner world of experiences and I have found my own style through persistent working. My work is colourful, plentiful, clichéd and humoristic.
In the background there is the whole spectrum of humanity-sized feelings that I can't express in any other way than through my art. Repeating themes in my work are a series of things, being an expatriate Finn, and curious exploration of themes related to motherhood and modern family. Currently I am preparing works for next years.
